Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Trains, planes and world wonders

Woke up at the crack of dawn this morning to catch our train. Train stations and rides here are oddly similar to airports and flights elsewhere. We arrived with our previously purchased tickets, which had assigned seats. We waited until our train was boarding and we got on the train. Turns out there are four seats facing eachother, and we became friends very quickly with John and Bob, whom we would be facing in our seats for the next three hours. The train has windows in their usual locations, as well as skylights lining the ceiling. We listened to train music, which I can only describe as glorified elevator music with a South American twist for three hours straight. Flight attendants (train attendants?) walked the aisles offering drinks to us passengers, as we twisted through fields of corn and quinoa. We took the train to the last stop to catch a bus up to Machu Pichu. The bus zig zagged up a mountain and each turn that this bus made had to have been at a 359 degree angle. While on the bus, we realized that along with our correct names and passport numbers, our travel agent had written Tali and I down as 49 and 55 year old Israeli women, respectively. We were minorly concerned when we saw security actually verifying the information on these tickets but luckily they let us slide. We met our guide, Mr. Darwin, and the morning was beautiful as we hiked up and around Machu Pichu, - quite the site. Somewhere near the exact top of the mountain, the skies opened up and it started to pour insanely. Obviously everyone else on the tour had ponchos and raincoats, but I (#yoursmartfriendrach) brought a mere sweatshirt as a substitute. Which basically did nothing. It's was all worth it in the end for the alpaca sweater I was forced to buy myself. Yes it is made of alpaca and yes it is also embroider with pictures of llamas and alpaca. If you don't think that's cool don't hang out with me when I'm back, but you'd be missing out. On the way back there was a market, which is relativity similar to the shook in Israel. We went on our own to bargain down some belongings and caught our train ride back. We are now safe back in Cuzco and are gearing up for our super early star peru flight, another adventure tomorrow.

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