Growing up, I had this theory. It was a theory about dinosaurs (and yes it was something I thought about often.) My thought process was the following: We have all this proof that dinosaurs existed at some point. All kinds of fossils and the like. But the thing is, we only have their insides. Nothing has been found that tells us what they looked like on the outside. All we really have are their bones.
So how could we ever know what they really looked like? We can't. It was then that I decided scientists are dull and text books can't actually be trusted. While you and the rest of the world pictured dinosaurs that were grey, and maybe even forest green or maroon, I knew that in reality they were yellow with hot pink polka dots and highlighter orange with lime stripes.
Of course, anyone I ever told this to thought I was just so "adorable" with my "wild imagination", and I quickly learned that they would never understand. I would have to keep my ingenious theories to myself and it would have to suffice that at least I knew the truth.
As I was flipping through the pages of my National Geographic this afternoon (bet you didn't see that coming), I suddenly let out a loud gasp. Those in the room looked up from their seats and asked what was wrong. "Oh nothing...just a new discovery confirming everything I ever thought to be true." They blinked a few times and continued on with their merry business.
What was that new discovery, you ask? A new type of dinosaur...covered WITH FEATHERS! Yes that is correct: Those huge beasts that you had always pictured as rough and dark, only this one is fluffy and cuddly. Of course their sketch was not neon in color, but you can't really blame them. One step at a time as they say.
Alright, so I exaggerated. Not all of my theories have been confirmed yet, but you just wait around and see. The point is that if dinosaurs could have feathers, who knows what else they could have had! The options are endless. And yes, I knew it all along.
For more evidence of my prodigy-like tendencies, visit